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Digital supply chains
Stories of supply chains that have chosen to innovate
xFarm as a reporting tool for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
Lately, CSRD has become an increasingly hot topic for companies operating in a variety of sectors, including agribusiness. But what exactly is it all about? How can it help increase the sustainability of companies? And what role can the xFarm platform play in this context?
Agriveneto for a sustainable potato supply chain
It is important to combine experience and knowledge of the land with new technologies, embarking on paths of digitization of farms, in order to arrive at sustainable and regenerative agriculture as soon as possible.
Digitization of agrifood supply chains: xFarm Technologies and Hubfarm (Confagricoltura) united to support Tomato Farm
The goal: to ensure more agile technological management of the tomato supply chain for the benefit of transparency and efficiency
Melinda and xFarm Technologies aim for regenerative agriculture: a new protocol for soil and the environment
New multi-year project launched to identify the most effective techniques for protecting and restoring agricultural land, one of the first in Italy for the apple sector.
Urbani Truffles: the role of technology at xFarm in the truffle supply chain
Urbani Truffles: the role of technology from xFarm in the truffle supply chain.
Ortomad chooses xFarm Technologies for digitization of the fourth range
More than 150 vegetable production fields digitized by xFarm Technologies. All through an integrated management system and sensor systems for increasingly efficient and sustainable cultivation of IV products.
New partnership between xFarm Technologies and Molini Fagioli: together to digitize the OIRZ supply chain
The project by xFarm Technologies and Molini Fagioli will enable digital and more efficient management of the entire OIRZ (zero-residue Italian wheat flour) supply chain, improving traceability and sustainability with implications for the end consumer as well.
The whole supply chain at your smartphone's fingertips - Consorzio Volontario Olivicoltori
Having the activities of all consortiums under control is fundamental in the efficient management of consortiums and cooperatives. The Multiaziende module of xFarm was created precisely for this purpose.
Andriani consolidates its digitisation process and promotes regenerative and digital agriculture through the xFarm platform
Thanks to the platform developed by xFarm Technologies, 130 farms belonging to the Legume Chain, led by Andriani, will be supported from January 2023 in a process of optimisation and digitisation of production activities.
xFarm Analytics: the tool for efficient supply chain management
Agrifood supply chains are complex ecosystems. Their management introduces ever new challenges to the agribusiness landscape: sustainability, traceability, efficiency.
Tomato smart: xFarm and Tomato Farm's strategy for digitizing the supply chain
The first company in Italy to have introduced smart farming tools in the tomato supply chain, with the support of xFarm. Goals: quality, sustainability, supply chain traceability and third-party certification.
Making the agricultural supply chain sustainable through digital: Barilla's challenge together with xFarm
Thanks to the Barilla Farming platform devised by xFarm Technologies, together with Life Cycling Engineering, the CNR- Agrosat, and Perfect Food, the 2,600 companies in Europe that supply soft wheat to Barilla per Molino Carta supply chain.
xFarm and Parmalat together to help make the milk supply chain sustainable through the digital transition of dairy farms
The project by Parmalat and xFarm is one of the first in Europe that also enables dairy farmers to efficiently and sustainably manage and track dairy cow herds, their feeding plans, and livestock manure.
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