
The whole supply chain at your smartphone's fingertips - Consorzio Volontario Olivicoltori

Riccardo De Nadai
Communication Manager

Having the activities of all consortiums under control is fundamental in the efficient management of consortiums and cooperatives. The Multiaziende module of xFarm was created precisely for this purpose.

The experience of the Voluntary Olive Growers Consortium of Calabria.

Today we are in central Calabria, in the town of Pianopoli, where we met Federico Gaetano, olive grower and president of the Voluntary Olive Growers Consortium.

The Consortium is an organization of olive growers that brings together about 1,700 members involved in the cultivation of a particular variety of olive tree, the Carolea, which is typical of the South and the Calabrian territory.

The plots owned by members are located within the area that stretches from the Catanzaro Ionian strip, crosses the Isthmus of Catanzaro to the provinces of Lamezia Terme and Vibo Valentia.

The problems of the traditional campaign notebook

Our consortium chose a few years ago to trace our product according to the ISO 22005:2007 standard in order to enhance its value in the market. The standard means that we need to make use of a country notebook for all members who have joined our traceability project.

The field notebook is a key tool for ensuring product tracking, from field to table. Until recently, the only way to keep track of field operations was the traditional analog notebook, which, however, presented several difficulties in its use. In fact, before we relied on xFarm , we used Excel spreadsheets shared with the various producers our members on which, however, data were reported after the fact, and not in real time as is currently the case.

How did you discover xFarm?

We discovered xFarm in our web search for a tool that could facilitate member companies in compiling the digital campaign notebook, which is essential for the traceability of our oil. We then identified the platform of xFarm as it is the only management system that allows us to include such a large number of companies within the same platform, allowing us constant and complete control of the activities of all members.

The most important feature for us is the definitely the Multi-company management, which allows us to keep track of the activities of all companies in real time and in a centralized manner.

The ultimate goal of implementing the xFarm platform in our companies is to arrive at a product that has complete traceability and added value in the market also through the introduction of blockchain.

Why should a farmer adopt digital tools from xFarm?

The introduction of the use of the xFarm platform in consortia is essential for daily and orderly annotation and monitoring of business activities. In addition, it has now become indispensable to comply with current regulations on sustainability and traceability.

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