Let's make agriculture more sustainable, for everyone

Why sustainability is important in agriculture

The agricultural sector is inextricably linked with sustainability issues:
It is responsible for 22% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions*
It is one of the few sectors that can sequesterCO2 from the atmosphere
It is directly impacted by climate change
It is increasingly regulated in favor of sustainability
*Source: IPCC Climate Change 2022 Report

What are the solutions to improve sustainability?

There are many solutions and approaches that can be applied:
Optimization: using resources more efficiently
Innovation: choosing more sustainable inputs and machinery
Regenerative agriculture: adopting practices that store carbon in the soil, promoting organic matter

Sustainability for the agribusiness sector

Food industries are involved in agricultural sustainability because:
Consumers are demanding increasingly sustainable products
Emissions may be due to up to 70% from ingredients used in food production (Scope 3)
It is increasingly common to set public goals for carbon neutrality and sustainability (ESG, SDG, SBT...)

What we have done so far

Carbon dioxide avoided

t CO2eq
Equivalent to the CO2 absorbed by 31,200 trees in an entire life cycle

Water saved

m3 H2O
Equivalent to the water used by 37,349 people in one year in Italy

They chose xFarm Analytics for their digital transformation

How we help agriculture to be more sustainable

We collect data

Farmers track information about their crops to simplify farm management and create an objective starting point.

We calculate the impact

Farms and supply chains gain an objective view of the impact of individual activities, identifying major sources of emissions and areas for improvement.
Carbon Dioxide -CO2eq
Water -m3
Acidification - SO2eq
Eutrophication - PO4eq

We give advice

Using our sensors, agronomic models andArtificial Intelligence from xFarm, farmers receive advice to optimize defense, irrigation and fertilization, saving resources.
Water used

We simulate improvements

We use the data entered to enable companies to simulate the impact it might have to apply Regenerative Agriculture practices, use solutions xFarm and more.

We go out there

In addition to technology, xFarm Technologies is made up of agronomists, engineers and technicians who support supply chains and farmers in their ecological transition:
Digitization: we train all stakeholders, monitor the situation and support farmers
Agronomic project: we develop specific agronomic models and coordinate with technical teams
Sustainability: we support in the drafting of production protocols, reporting and communication with the supply chain
"In Barilla's soft wheat and flour supply chain, we believe that digitization -that is having all data in one place- is key to achieving the goal of having sustainable, quality products."
Michele Zerbini
Purchasing Senior Manager

Start a sustainability journey with us


Simplify the management of your business
Optimize field activities with agronomic support
Save resources, time and money
Monitor sustainability and causes of impact
Simulate and choose new sustainable practices

Agrifood supply chains

Digitize your supply chain and support farmers
Create a sustainable production specification
Identify areas for improvement
Measure and certify your results
Reach your sustainability goals