
xFarm Technologies receives 1 million euros from EIC Accelerator to develop xTrap

Riccardo De Nadai
Communication Manager

European Innovation Council's EIC Accelerator has selected xTrap from 1,092 submitted proposals. xFarm Technologies will use the funds for further optimization of the Machine Learning algorithms and predictive models at the heart of xTrap

xTrap is an automatic IoT trap that monitors trends in the capture of pest insects and provides timely insights into pesticide use, limiting waste and costs and increasing environmental sustainability

Milan, Feb. 2023 - The activities of the research and development team of xFarm Technologies in the area of xTrap, a new trap for automatic monitoring of phytophagous pests that takes advantage of IoT (Internet of Things) technology, Machine Learning algorithms and predictive models, continue with more momentum. In fact, the €1 million funding provided by EIC Accelerator, theEuropean Innovation Council 's accelerator that supports SMEs and particularly startups that demonstrate that they are "developing breakthrough innovations," has been finalized. The first tranche of funds, broken down into grants and equity investments, will be disbursed as early as February. Seventy-five startups active in deep tech selected for the major deal, totaling 400 million euros.

xFarm obtained the funding thanks to the technological and innovative contribution of xTrap, the automatic IoT(Internet of Things) insect monitoring trap that allowed it to stand out among 1092 proposals submitted at the October 2022 cut-off. In fact, the funds obtained by xFarm Technologies will be fully allocated to this technological tool. xTrap is equipped with a high-resolution camera capable of monitoring the different species of insects present in a given cultivated field. TheMachine Learning algorithm developed by xFarm Technologies, which is capable of automatically recognizing and counting insects, and a predictive model capable of predicting the trend of phytophagous infestations, constitute the base of xTrap's innovation.

With this tool, farmers can view on base daily, either from smartphones or computers,catch trends and receive advice on the timing of any phytosanitary treatments to be implemented, thereby limiting waste, costs and increasing environmental sustainability. Three versions of the solution are currently available using different attractants: Delta, which sees the use of pheromones; "Stink," which allows for counting the passage of insects such as the Asian bug; and Color, which involves the use of color sheets. However, the R&D department of xFarm Technologies does not rule out bringing other models to the market in the future, although the funds allocated by theEuropean Innovation Council will be allocated mainly to the implementation and enhancement of the technology at base of the trap i.e., improvement of the algorithm and prediction model.

"xTrap can be a valuable ally for those involved in monitoring, particularly in high-value-added crops, such as grapevines and fruit crops, which are often subject to pest attack. This tool is designed to support the work of technicians at farms, wineries, trade associations, cooperatives and research institutions, who increasingly need comprehensive and 4.0 tools for insect monitoring and control. The main objective that we want to achieve with this funding is to enhance the functions of the algorithm and of the predictive models underlying our xTrap, and to provide a technology capable of saving time and optimizing applications, ensuring savings and greater sustainability" said Martino Poretti, Head of IoT and xTrap project manager.

xTrap is able to collect data that it sends autonomously to the xFarm platform, thus contributing to the digitization and efficiency of farms and agrifood supply chains. Indeed, the goal of xFarm Technologies is to strive for an increasingly digital, efficient and thus more virtuous agriculture from the perspective of economic sustainability and conservation of natural resources. To date, xFarm has more than 150,000 farms in the world for a total of 2 million hectares tracked, is present in 100 countries with particular reference to Italy and Spain, countries in which it operates with great stability.

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