
Climate change and agriculture: here's how Artificial Intelligence helps meet environmental challenges

Valentina Dalla Villa
Communication & Event Specialist

In an increasingly challenging climate, Artificial Intelligence from xFarm Technologies supports the work of agricultural workers through technologies designed to make production more sustainable.  

With more conscious use of natural resources, application of innovative agronomic techniques and limited use of plant protection products and fertilizers, it becomes possible to hope for a more sustainable future.  

Milan, Aug. 26, 2024 - The agriculture sector is destined to encounter a number of major challenges on the path of its entrepreneurs and operators, which will be possible to face also and especially thanks to technological innovation and the application ofArtificial Intelligence (AI). This is well known by xFarm Technologies, a tech company poised to drive virtuous change in the agribusiness sector.  

Field work, which is inextricably linked to climate trends, will be increasingly affected by the sudden phenomena that already characterize the climate globally. As is well known, drought events and heat waves are expected to increase, as well as floods, with rainfall irregular and often concentrated in extreme tropical weather events , even in temperate areas. This will lead to a necessary adjustment of field practices, also in light of accelerated development of microbial pathogens and insect and mite populations.  

In the near future, therefore, all those technologies that can not only provide reliable forecasts , such as predictive models, but also support practitioners in making the best decisions in real time, in an increasingly complex environmental environment, will be of paramount importance.  

What, then, are the solutions? Artificial Intelligence from xFarm Technologies serving the environment and the farmer

xFarm Technologies has long embraced the challenge of Artificial Intelligence, developing technologies that aim to simplify processes and operations in the field, as well as the resilience of agricultural systems in their entirety, benefiting the environmental and economic sustainability of production. "Artificial intelligence has now fully entered the digital farmer's toolbox, allowing large amounts of data to be quickly analyzed and output to be easily interpreted, all through an intuitive interface that is within everyone's reach. If you will, we can say that artificial intelligence has democratized access to tools, such as decision support systems or predictive models, that were once the preserve of a narrow niche of highly specialized personnel. This means that, nowadays, everyone has access to tools that simplify and streamline farm and production input management, from phytosanitary treatments, to fertilizers, to water, with a view to increased environmental and economic sustainability."- comments Matteo Vanotti, CEO of xFarm Technologies.  

Prominent among the AI-powered tools offered by xFarm Technologies are certainly Decision Support Systems (DSS), which collect and process data from connected sensors and help the farmer make the best choices regarding crop protection. DSS are, in fact, able to provide a prediction of the degree of infection risk and the degree of protection of treated crops, so that the farmer can treat only if and when necessary. This goes a long way toward increasing the effectiveness of treatments, reducing product waste and improving the degree of crop protection.

Staying on the topic of crop protection, the tech company has developed, in collaboration with strategic partners, the Smart Spraying system for variable rate application of liquid products on crops such as vines or hazelnuts. This technology makes it possible to adjust the dose of product distributed at base to the amount of vegetation, through real-time processing by computer vision algorithms of images collected from cameras placed on the tractor. All of this results in product savings with a positive economic and environmental impact.

Finally, we cannot fail to mention the xFarm Technologies tools powered by image recognition algorithms: the intelligent xTrap traps that enable automatic recognition and counting of captured insects, and Disease Recognition, the feature built into the xFarm platform that enables the identification, from a simple photo, of any diseases present in the field.  

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