
How to improve water management within your business with the Irrigation module of xFarm

Riccardo De Nadai
Communication Manager

Water shortages are being felt in several regions of Italy and the world. Desertification, drying rivers and salinization are just some of the problematic consequences. Due to rising temperatures and rarefied rainfall, water resource management is becoming increasingly complicated in some geographical areas. It becomes necessary to use every drop of water as efficiently as possible in order to ensure the environmental and economic sustainability of agricultural activities.

xFarm has developed the Irrigation module to support the farmer in managing on-farm water resources. The Irrigation module allows you to improve crop irrigation by increasing the efficiency of irrigation interventions, enabling you to irrigate when you need to, where you need to, and how much you need to, combining crop needs with environmental data collected on the farm. The result is effective efficiency in water use accompanied by increased quality of the end product.

How the Irrigation module works

The Irrigation module is based on data recorded in the field through a weather station (xSense) with several soil moisture sensors xNode integrated. The environmental parameters thus recorded are then processed through forecast models to give you advice on the most appropriate time to irrigate, You can then always have the situation under control and schedule irrigation interventions more accurately.  

1. Overview: your company at a glance

The Irrigation module provides the Overview of all fields recorded within the platform xFarm and returns the soil moisture status for each one. In addition, you can view the calendar with all upcoming waterings. In this way, you can be always updated about the irrigation needs of all your plots simply by looking at a single screen.


2. View details for each individual irrigation zone.

By clicking on individual fields, you can access the Zone Detail page, where you can get detailed information on the selected field such as crop and phenological stage, extent, texture, data collected from soil moisture sensors, last irrigation operations performed, and expected soil moisture trends.


3. Irrigation advice and strategies

Using data from sensors in the field, you can view the water status of the soil, compare it with crop requirements, and calculate the irrigation needs for each crop. In addition, the Strategy function allows you to plan your tailored irrigation strategy for each crop in advance, including selecting any desired level of irrigation stress, get advice about the best strategy, and schedule irrigation interventions on a day-to-day basis in advance, establishing the times at which irrigation systems will be activated.


4. Remotely manage irrigation interventions

With the new device xIdro, you can remotely manage the opening and closing of valves. This way you can manage irrigation interventions directly from your smartphone, control the volume of water contributed and maximize the effectiveness of each irrigation.

5. Irrigation intervention history and environmental data

Through the Upcoming Irrigations and Irrigations Done sections, you can keep track of past and future irrigation activities wisely. In addition, raw data and tables give you a better understanding of the water situation on your plots.

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