
Regenerative agriculture: the future is here

Valentina Dalla Villa
Communication & Event Specialist

In recent years, there has been increasing awareness of the damage caused by intensive agricultural land use and the need for a more sustainable approach to agriculture. This has given rise to the regenerative agriculture movement. But what is regenerative agriculture and how is it achieved? Let’s find out together. 

Unfortunately, there is no agreed definition of regenerative agriculture. However, we can try to understand what it is starting with what its goals are and the practices that are adopted to achieve them.

The goals and practices of regenerative agriculture

Regenerative agriculture aims to improve soil health. It helps sequester carbon, increase water quality and enhance biodiversity. At the same time, however, it aims to boost crop productivity and resilience , enhancing the socio-economic well-being of farming communities. This helps to ensure a fair income for farmers and food security for consumers.

To achieve its objectives, regenerative agriculture relies on a range of agricultural practices. Conservation farming techniques such as minimal tillage or no-tillagecover cropping, crop rotation, integration of crop and livestock systems, and reduced use of external inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Conservation tillage

Preserving and improving soil health is one of the main objectives of regenerative agriculture. Conservation farming techniques, which aim to minimizesoil disturbance, can help. Some of the most popular practices include:

  • Minimum tillage: involves the elimination of ploughing and the use of a reduced amount of tillage at a low intensity and depth (5-15 cm).  
  • Strip tillage: soil tillage only at the level of the strips corresponding to the seeding lines (25-45% of the total soil) at limited depths, around 15-25 cm. It can be done using the geolocation technologies of agricultural vehicles, which allow the correct location of the strips to till.  
  • No-tillage: agricultural soil management without tillage. Specific seed drills are used that can penetrate the layer of residues from the previous crop cycle, break up the soil, sow seeds and then cover the furrow, all in one go. 
Regenerative agriculture

Crop rotation and cover crops

All of the above techniques should always be combined with cover crops. These contribute, together with the crop residues left in the field, to prevent the soil from becoming bare, protecting it from external agents and boosting its biological activity. A well-thought-outcrop rotation system is also necessary. This prevents the occurrence of species-specific diseases, improves soil structure through the action of different root systems, and limits the loss of biodiversity and fertility.

The main advantages of conservation tillage are:

  • Increased soil organic matter content related to its limited mineralization and incorporation of crop residues. It therefore also contributes to sequestering carbon from the atmosphere (carbon farming)
  • Fuel savings due to a reduction in the number of passes and/or tillage intensity
  • Improved soil structure resulting in increased fertility due to the creation of better porosity that favours water infiltration and filtration
  • Erosion control
  • Increasing soil biodiversity

Regenerative agriculture, for greater productivity and resource use efficiency

What makes regenerative agriculture unique is its focus on environmental, as well as socio-economic, sustainability of farming. This means farming in a sustainable manner, but without giving up adequateproduction and income. To achieve this, it is necessary to increase the efficiency when using resources and agronomic inputs. This reduces the impact on the environment and farm operating costs, while improving plant health and yields. There are various techniques that can be employed.

In terms ofwater use efficiency, soil moisture sensors, weather stations and irrigation decision support systems (DSS) can be used to know when (and how much) to irrigate.

In the case of fertilizers, variable-rate spreaders can be used. These make it possible to distribute different amounts of product in different areas of a plot, based on prescription maps.

For a more efficient use of pesticides, integrated pest management (IPM) techniques can be used. IPM involves monitoring harmful species and intervening only if the economic damage threshold is exceeded. All of this with a preference for biological means of defence where possible (antagonistic insects, entomopathogenic fungi...). There are also disease recognition systems that exploit artificial intelligence and allow timely intervention. Finally, it is possible to usesmart sprayers that modulate the amount of product distributed according to the volume of vegetation.

Regenerative agriculture

Is regenerative agriculture really the future?

In a sector that will be increasingly exposed to the consequences of climate change, working to increase the resilience of agricultural systems and the sustainability of farming practices could prove crucial to ensuring the long-term food security of the planet. Aiming for stable and abundant production, while preservingresources such as soil, water and biodiversity, will likely be a perspective that sooner or later everyone will have to adopt. And, why not, new approaches to agriculture may also mean new technologies.

Sources: Life help soil; What is regenerative agriculture? A review

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